Comments on: Snapshot: How ready is the Caribbean for ICTs?
Discussing ICT, telecommunications and technology Issues from a Caribbean perspectiveTue, 07 Jun 2011 15:27:54 +0000
By: From bus stop to rum shop: how Barbados plans to achieve 100% Wi-Fi coverage | ICT Pulse
Tue, 07 Jun 2011 15:27:54 +0000[…] it currently stands, Barbados is considered to be the third most ICT ready country in the Americas, behind the US and Canada. This ranking will no doubt improve when the Network […]
By: Bringing Rapunzel, Paleface and Santana home: The Internet Exchange Point (IXP) dilemma in the Caribbean | Commonwealth Internet Governance Forum
Tue, 31 May 2011 07:58:15 +0000[…] Tracy Hackshaw is an alumni of the DiploFoundation's Internet Governance Capacity Building Programme in 2008 and an ICANN Fellowship Alumni at both the Sydney and Seoul Meetings in 2009 and at the Cartagena Meeting in 2010. Tracy was an Internet Society (ISOC) Ambassador to IGF 2009 in Sharm-el Sheikh and returned as an ISOC Ambassador for IGF 2010 in Vilnius. He is national of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago and has been educated at the 1st degree level in Sociology & Psychology via the University of the West Indies (St. Augustine) and at a graduate level in International Management via the University of London (Royal Holloway). Professionally, Tracy is the Chief Solution Architect and Lead of the Solution Architect Office for the Government of Trinidad & Tobago’s National ICT Company (iGovTT). As Chief Solution Architect, Tracy is charged with the mandate of setting infrastructure and technology directions and standards, as well as driving associated programmes and projects with the objective of ensuring that the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GoRTT) has a world-class ICT infrastructure, in support of the goals of the National ICT Agenda as outlined in fastforward – He is part of a team providing ICT thought leadership to iGovTT, and by extension, the Government, in several areas falling under the rubric of Internet Governance including the flagship and award-winning ttconnect Multi-Channel initiative – He can be contacted via LinkedIn: Click here to cancel reply. […]