Comments on: From bus stop to rum shop: has Barbados’ Wi-Fi project been a success? Discussing ICT, telecommunications and technology Issues from a Caribbean perspective Sun, 20 Nov 2011 14:54:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: Corey Graham 2.0 Sun, 20 Nov 2011 14:54:24 +0000 In reply to Hallam.

Hi Hallam,

Great point. I agree that bandwidth is a major issue and needs to be dealt with urgently. In an ideal world it would be done first. However, one of the issues with technology is always implementation of the latest greatest technology. It always takes a while for persons involved to grasp the value of the new technology and make the necessary changes to get it implemented.

I think one of the key things we found with the wifi is that it was something that the regular person to get up and get moving on. Initially we had hoped for alot of enthusiasm and action from the Telecoms and the government, however it was apparent that this was not going to come in time for our deadline.

The harsh reality we found is that people don’t just get up an change and evolve. The concept of having persons share their wifi with the public became a blessing is disguise because it meant that the pioneers and early adopters now had the power to change their reality. It also changed the conversation about connectivity in the country. The public has now become more vocal about connectivity in general and they are starting to demand a certain level of service in this country, and it is now moving onto the agenda of various stakeholders.

Having the people being a part of the conversation is absolutely critical to the change we want to see in Barbados, based on the current situation. Based on where I sit, I seems as though persons in Barbados from every walk of life are considering and thinking about how to improve connectivity in Barbados.

Personally I have faith that the people who have been risen up through this project will solve the bandwidth to the home and other problems. The key is taking action!

By: Hallam Sat, 19 Nov 2011 01:52:56 +0000 I remain convinced that broadband access to the home should be a priority while free WiFi has its benefits and should be one of a core of objectives. What I am not sure about is the claim that 60 per cent of Barbados has access to free Wifi as a result of the initiative by Babados Entrepreneurship Foundation. Cmon 60 per cent, using what criteria? Pull out your IPad and drive east of six roads and see what a very long way we have to go. Swing through East Point, Marley Vale, Thickets, head up to St. John, St Andrew, Greenidges in St. Lucy. If one country in the world is smart enough to legislate that access to the Internet is a human right, can Babados be the second and get serious about understanding what implementing universal broadband access is all about?

By: mmarius Mon, 14 Nov 2011 11:25:04 +0000 In reply to Corey Graham 2.0.

Thanks Corey for providing this insight.

By: Corey Graham 2.0 Sun, 13 Nov 2011 19:25:16 +0000 Hi George,

Not everyone is participating in the Free WiFi initiative yet. There are some other hotels which are fully wifi-ed and lots of cafes on the south coast you can visit.

check out to see these spots.

By: George Smith Sun, 13 Nov 2011 15:00:32 +0000 We have been vacationing in Barbados for 24 years-I was pleased to read WI FI would be available Countrywide by 11/11/11.

We will be at Divi Southwinds foe 3 weeks beginning Dec 3rd-I called Southwinds-they advised WI FI would be available, however for a price of $120 US for our 3 week stay. Sounds very expensive. Do you have a less expensive solution-we are not renting an automobile.

Thank you
