Comments on: Is information on your mobile/cellular phone really private? Discussing ICT, telecommunications and technology Issues from a Caribbean perspective Sat, 11 Aug 2012 12:16:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: mmarius Sat, 11 Aug 2012 12:16:22 +0000 In reply to moni.

Tell me about Moni! We are all walking this tight rope of trying to participate in what all of this new technology has to offer, while at the same time maintaining some modicum of privacy.

Unless or until there are clear policies that help us navigate this, the best we can do, as users, is perhaps exercise greater vigilance…

By: mmarius Sat, 11 Aug 2012 12:08:09 +0000 In reply to Kamutula.

And certainly if those websites have been hacked!

By: moni Wed, 01 Aug 2012 17:56:30 +0000 Nope. Despite using an Iphone and not being automatically connected to any network. I do not use any social network at all on my devices and with all this I know my data is not secure. How many of us have stopped to check what it is that some apps require to work efficiently on our smart phones? I know now but there were times when I would wonder why does a game app need my contacts list to be able to perform? The networked world is deemed a non private one but as alluded to in your article that is of increasing concern is the amount of information we voluntary give on social networks. There are those among us that do not need to be hacked.

By: Kamutula Mon, 30 Jul 2012 10:33:38 +0000 In addition businesses that provide all-inclusive free wifi: you walk into their premises you are not only automatically connected to their wifi, you are also straight taken to their home page. Who knows what information might be taken in teh process!
