Comments on: What does the T&T Govt/Google debacle tell us about the openness of the Internet? Discussing ICT, telecommunications and technology Issues from a Caribbean perspective Thu, 22 Nov 2012 03:43:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: VLScully Thu, 22 Nov 2012 03:43:25 +0000 What are the implications should Govts decide to block Google/youtube, if they think content is unsuitable for its citizens or is deemed inappropriate is not being removed?

By: Carlton Samuels Wed, 21 Nov 2012 20:43:35 +0000 The Internet is open only to the extent that those who own the platforms – especially those which energize all the ‘free’ services we all use – are without guile.

What is clear is Google as a service provider can always be requested to do this or other from any sentient being or quarter. Sure, Google has well-advertised policy guidelines for hosted content. And it is equally true one may show disapproval and disavow use of their platforms.

What is ominous is that Google is the absolute determinant of content which violates its policy in any of the content buckets you so neatly outlined.

Google straddles the line between some fundamental principles. However, the bright shining light here is Google’s commitment to transparency; tell all and hopefully by naming, some will be shamed. As of now, I cannot think of a better solution.

And I say this as an absolutist with respect to freedom of expression, association and the right to know; I am the only once so qualified to determine what I might say or with whom I shall associate. And above all else, what I should know.
