Cyber threats/attacks/risk are bubbling to the top of the news but that is just raising awareness of the issue. With my customers across the Caribbean basin, organizations that are heavily regulated and must comply with compliance frameworks are generally in a better position to deal with cyber risk. However, compliance does not equal security.
The expectation that a single vendor or product is going to solve all of our problems is an issue with the businesses. That is akin to saying that because we have police, we do not have any crime. The public and private sectors need to recognize that no one is going to solve the problem on their own. No one has seen all the threats. No one has all the experience in the world. You are never the smartest person in the room.
You are only as effective as your least capable unit. If your unit only has experiencing dealing with one location or type of threat, how can you possibly hope to cope with the dynamic nature of the Internet and contantly evolving threats. The Caribbean needs a security comminity spanning countries, industries and most importantly having ties with other geographies e.g. the Americas, EMEA, APAC. The idea that an island nation can be completely self sufficient in a global economy quite simply a farce.
]]>Thanks Omowale. I do agree that the password for most policy makers might indeed be “votes”, and it might be the key to unlock the support necessary to really get the issues addressed.
On a separate note, I was wondering whether you have any idea why your website was hacked?
So many of us still believe that our websites and online presence are under the radar. However the likely truth is that we are being monitored more than we think…
]]>Lol, Sachin. I kinda have to agree with you. There are those who are diligent and really want us to progress with respect to cybercrime and cybersecurity, and those who, for whatever reason, are not as supportive of the efforts needed…
]]>Even with the private sector, which is made up of many small businesses, they don’t take the cybersecurity risks seriously, or more accurately, as a priority.