Thanks, estebanagostoreid777 !
Based on the readings I have come across, I do not get the impression that the presence of business entities and organisations on Facebook have had any significant impact on new membership. I have gathered that the main impetus for persons joining Facebook is personal: to connect with family and friends. Hence businesses and other organisations are capitalising on the “captive audience”, in the same way that they do with other media, e.g. TV, radio, magazines, etc.
For example, with regard to Facebook pages – which businesses, organsiations, celebrities, etc. tend to use – it is important to remember that Facebook generally limits the pages’ engagement with (or reach to) its users, unless the page owners are prepared to pay. Recent information indicates that Facebook only allows FB pages to access up to 16% of their followers, and that reach can be widened if they promote the posts (for $$) or launch an ad campaign.