Comments on: Increasing the Caribbean’s presence in Internet Governance Discussing ICT, telecommunications and technology Issues from a Caribbean perspective Wed, 16 Aug 2017 14:22:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Hynds Wed, 16 Aug 2017 14:22:18 +0000 In reply to Jacqueline Morris.

Nice idea Jacqueline. You should encourage those influencers in international IG to connect with the blogger and tell their story. Some of those stories may be useful as video as well.

By: Jason Hynds Tue, 15 Aug 2017 19:05:54 +0000 The usual great work Michelle! Good video selection. Looking for to your participation in 13th CIGF.

By: Jacqueline Morris Tue, 15 Aug 2017 16:06:04 +0000 “Although Internet Governance issues have been actively discussed across the Caribbean region for several years, this has not necessarily translated to the region having a clear presence at global meetings. ”

Actually, there has been a focused outreach in Caribbean participation in IG, and the CIGF is not the only project.
The first major project for Caribbean outreach was the formation of the ICANN LACRALO. That was, I will argue, the way that most of the current
regional participants in international IG came on board. ISOC has also put a lot of effort in forming local chapters, thus involving many. The two national IGFs started up this year, TTIGF, followed by BIGF, also have made great strides in exposing new audiences to IG.
We also cannot forget the efforts of the regional reps for the DIPLO courses in IG. Many Caribbean persons have learnt via that academic route. LACNIC and ARIN outreach programmes aimed at the Caribbean have also played a significant role.

With regard to significant participation and roles in IG fora, the English speaking Caribbean has long held significant roles in International IG. From members on the WGIG, to a Chair of the ICANN ALAC, Associate Chair of the ICANN Nominating Committee, Chair of the ICANN Technology Taskforce, Chairs of many ICANN Working Groups, Associate Chair of the ICANN GAC, Convenors of IGF Workshops, staff members of LACNIC, ISOC, ICANN and ARIN.. participation has been large and is growing. We have also had many ISOC Ambassadors to the IGF
Maybe an article about the amount of influence that people in the English speaking Caribbean have had in the International IG space would be a good way to increase participation.
