Comments on: ICTP 010: Leveraging ingenuity and passion to transform the Caribbean, with Melarka Williams of Ingenuity Technologies Discussing ICT, telecommunications and technology Issues from a Caribbean perspective Tue, 26 Jun 2018 01:40:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kamutula Tue, 26 Jun 2018 01:40:56 +0000 Firstly, I want to be clear the intention of my point on this was my wish to hear this particular view in the interview. Different people hold different opinions, and hence the reason I sought to hear the view.

My understanding is that the difference arises at a certain point in the business lifecycle when the entrepreneur steps back out of the day-to-day running of the business and of paving new paths, allowing for specialists to do so in the business.

Admittedly not an easy point of discussion to sustain in such a broadcast interview. The more reason I sought to hear the viewpoint/s.

By: Michele Marius Mon, 25 Jun 2018 10:42:08 +0000 In reply to Kamutula.

Thanks for the feedback, Kamutula. Question though: how would you distinguish an “entrepreneur” from a “business person”?
What’s the difference?

By: Kamutula Mon, 25 Jun 2018 10:02:50 +0000 Excellent interview.

I like, particularly, the clearly shining positiveness of the interviewee. This is clear esp where he deals with support/doing business in Jamaica. He catalogues the sources of help available in Jamaica with a lot of enthusiasm. The description of the business environment is in superlative terms.

I don’t think I was able to get anything highlighted on how the interviewee sees the transition from “entrepreneur” to a “businessperson”.
