Comments on: 4 essential skills we are losing thanks to technology Discussing ICT, telecommunications and technology Issues from a Caribbean perspective Tue, 22 Oct 2019 09:59:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kamutula Tue, 22 Oct 2019 09:59:40 +0000 If, like me, you were terrible at maths, then you wouldn’t suppress a chuckle at the mention of it in this context. Indeed maths is the first to fall off the list in the face of MS Excel and Smartphone calculators. But, in the same vein agreeing, the basic skill is being eroded along with its essential attributes.

And @Owen, I think the key concept is not so much the convenience of “reduced writing rate” but probably that the basic attributes of humanity are being taken away by way of technological expediency.

By: owen Sat, 12 Oct 2019 12:42:39 +0000 Technically we are more “electronically” connected than physically. You cant reduce the physics or increase it. I agree with the hand writing aspect but not on the same base argument. Technology is making us writeless (and I probably should write this into an article) but what its mainly doing is allowing us to “avoid” writing at a higher rate.
