Comments on: 5 e-learning challenges Caribbean countries are likely to experience in going back to school Discussing ICT, telecommunications and technology Issues from a Caribbean perspective Sun, 30 Aug 2020 20:51:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: jamteaching Sun, 30 Aug 2020 12:38:37 +0000 That might be so in some countries, but many have recognised the gaps and are assiduously training teachers in online paedagogy (some since March), utilising tried-and -tested alternative (to online) ways to implement remote learning, creating covid-safe internet zones around the country (outdoor “internet patios”), and more.
Additionally, to move to online learning, the lesson plans will absolutely not need to be rebuilt from the ground up. Apart from the problems with accreditation and validation of courses with changed objectives in a ground up rebuilding, most well-designed lessons can be transformed by mapping the current learning strategies and activities to digital versions. For example, coallaborative activities such as “Think-Pair-Share”, group projects, discovery learning activities, and more are very easily done using electronic media. The learning theories haven’t changed, the strategies coming out from the theories haven’t changed, only the tools and actvities used to implement them wil change.

By: Carlton SAMUELS Fri, 28 Aug 2020 13:23:45 +0000 Spot on with all the issues identified Michele. All are evident in the Jamaican education space with mitigations coming along in fits and starts. Perhaps the most challenging for the system are the activities that that will enable the shift from the concept of remote teaching originally promoted to the e-learning paradigm the policy makers would wish to instantiate. Adaptation of content, lesson planning and delivery to advanced learning remain mired in lack of capacity and capabilities. But the policy layer in the Jamaican system is aware and working assiduously to gain traction in these areas. They soldier on.
