A roundup of the latest ICT\/technology news from across the Caribbean region for the period Monday 26 February to Sunday 4 March 2018.<\/em><\/p>\n
Bahamas <\/em>\u2013 THE Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) has lost over 60,000 mobile customers, almost 20 per cent of its market, in just over one year as a result of competition\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas<\/em> \u2013 GRAND Bahama cannot become a technology hub without a ‘smart city’ to support it, a Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) executive has argued, while stressing the need to develop local expertise\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados<\/em> \u2013 Digicel treated outgoing Chief Executive Officer Colm Delves to a rollicking farewell party on Sunday at its corporate offices in downtown Kingston… more<\/a><\/p>\n
Guyana<\/em> \u2013 Toshao of Fairview, Potaro-Siparuni (Region Eight), Lucy Marslow, has welcomed the efforts of the Ministry of Public Telecommunications in providing internet access to that community, given the present constraints in the education sector there\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica<\/em> \u2013 Telecommunications\u00a0firm Caricel Jamaica says it accepts Contractor General Dirk Harrison’s right to enquire into its decision to sell major control of its assets to South African firm Involution Limited\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Approximately 1,000 persons are slated to benefit from the latest efforts by the Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology to increase Internet use in Jamaica\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Regional <\/em>\u2013 I\u2019d bet that if I asked you to remember where your last hundred dollars in cash actually went, you\u2019d be hard pressed to answer correctly. Paid a bill here, bought a sandwich there, and wait! Suddenly, it\u2019s all gone\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Sint Maarten<\/em> \u2013 TelEm Group is joining other telecommunications companies in the Caribbean in the testing phase of a mobile disaster management app called Sonar that could soon hit the global market, TelEm said in a press release Thursday\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 Minister of Commerce, Industry and Business Development Donville Inniss today called for an end to the monopoly enjoyed by the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and an examination of its role as a state-owned entity\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
British Virgin Islands<\/em> \u2013 A new security plan is being implemented in the British Virgin Islands and part of that plan includes police drone surveillance\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Dominica<\/em> \u2013 GoDominica.com, a new business initiative for the tourism industry in Dominica, was introduced to the public last week at the Business Recovery Exposition in Roseau\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 The Media Association Jamaica Limited (MAJ) is decrying the foreseen negative effects under the Data Protection Act related to the gathering and production of journalistic content. The MAJ is expected to appear before the joint select committee in Parliament today\u2026. more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Technology Minister Dr Andrew Wheatley says he did not give approval for the sale of the controlling shares in local telecoms provider Caricel to a South African company\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Regional <\/em>\u2013 Cable & Wireless Communications (CWC) has announced that its Caribbean-wide Flow Sports service has secured access to a number of championships run by the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF)\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Guyana <\/em>\u2013 Dear Editor, I try to limit analyses of companies, but our mobile phone suppliers have long been taking us for a ride where the security of our phones are concerned. This obviously is a result of our own lax attitude in this area\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica<\/em> \u2013 The Media Association of Jamaica (MAJ) yesterday joined the Press Association of Jamaica in the call for journalism to be exempt from the Data Protection Act, which is now before a Joint Select Committee of Parliament for review\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) is yet to break its silence on revelation that it was asked to conduct a fit and proper assessment of the South African entity that bought controlling shares in local telecoms company\u00a0Caricel\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Opposition spokesman on telecommunications, Julian Robinson, has tabled questions in parliament as he seeks to get answers from the government on the alleged sale of Caricel to South African company, Involution\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Montserrat <\/em>\u2013 Overstock.com, Inc. (NASDAQ:OSTK) portfolio investment company Bitt.com has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Caribbean island Montserrat to launch a digital payments platform\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Antigua and Barbuda <\/em>\u2013 The Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA) is working on temporary internet and landline connections in Gunthorpes after a backhoe dug up underground cables in the area on February 24… more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 Digicel customers are in for the best surprise, across the length and breadth of the island of Barbados\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 Government has approved a motion tabled in the House of Assembly today to grant the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) a one-time supplementary of BBD$9.2 Million\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Prime Minister, the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, believes Jamaica can replicate the success recorded by Estonia, which has embraced technology to catalyse the nation\u2019s development\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 The Jamaican government has yet to approve the sale of local LTE-only network Caricel to South Africa-based investment group Involution Limited, reports the Jamaica Gleaner, citing the country\u2019s technology minister Andrew Wheatley\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 The Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR) says the lack of adequate information on the South African entity that has reportedly acquired controlling stake in Caricel is preventing it from completing a fit and proper assessment as requested by the Technology Minister\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica<\/em> \u2013 Corporate entities must build a strategy matching the overriding image and goals of the company before embarking on any social media activity, according to experts at the second annual Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) Social Media Business Conference on Wednesday\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica<\/em> \u2013 WITH a fresh wave of concerns now surrounding the operations of telecommunications company Symbiote Investments, which has reportedly sealed a deal with a South African company, Opposition Spokesman on Technology Julian Robinson yesterday tabled new questions in Parliament for portfolio minister Dr Andrew Wheatley, about the status of the domestic mobile spectrum licence which the Government granted to the company in 2016\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Puerto Rico<\/em> \u2013 Five days after Hurricane Maria ripped across Puerto Rico in September and annihilated the island’s infrastructure,\u00a0Rock Solid Technologies\u00a0opened their doors providing a business sanctuary for their clients\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Regional <\/em>\u2013 In the newest C360 blog, respected regional economist Marla Dukharan, financier and CEO of Bitt Inc. Rawdon Adams, and regional marketer and Chair of GHA Inc. Greg Hoyos share their points of view on various issues. They begin this week with the question: Is Regional Retail Dead? \u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas <\/em>\u2013 A MOBILE application connecting Asue, one of the Bahamas’ oldest saving methods, with the emerging Blockchain technology is now being marketed locally\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados<\/em> \u2013 It seems that some motorists have developed a liking for Bluetooth\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 I don\u2019t think I am doing a terrible thing by saying I was born towards the end of the decade of the 70\u2019s\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Belize<\/em> \u2013 With a permanent injunction now in force on the P.U.C. from collecting, might it decide to withdraw the approval and potentially cripple Speednet\u2019s reach across Belize?\u00a0 \u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
British Virgin Islands<\/em> \u2013The long-awaited Freedom of Information and Consumer Protection bills are finally being introduced\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Cable and Wireless Jamaica has requested the suspension of\u00a0 trading in its shares on the Jamaica Stock Exchange\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica<\/em> \u2013 Expo Jamaica will celebrate its 46th\u00a0staging this year with a strong focus on \u2018smart\u2019 technology that brings businesses and consumers together in the digital space\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Fujitsu Caribbean, Mervyn Eyre, has cautioned leadership at both national and enterprise levels against putting the brakes on technological innovation, stating that any such action will only result in “irrelevance” in today’s fast-paced economy\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Corporations, take heed! A team of young Jamaican tech wizards will be travelling to Switzerland on March 18 to compete in the international round of the United Nation\u2019s hackathon against world hunger, having won the local staging last month\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Regional <\/em>\u2013 At the Annual General Meeting of CANTO held in Port of Spain Trinidad from February 4 to 6, 2018, one of the major points for discussion among the delegates was the recent change of position by the Federal Communications Commission (\u2018FCC\u2019) by removing \u2018Net Neutrality\u2019 rules, and restoring a light touch regulations approach to support internet freedom, \u2018Open Internet\u2019\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Saint Kitts and Nevis<\/em> \u2013 A number of technical people and information technology (IT) managers from the public and private sectors across the region will participate in the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) in the Caribbean: St. Kitts and Nevis Forum March 8 at the Ocean Terrace Inn (OTI)\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Saint Lucia<\/em> \u2013\u00a0Members of the Saint Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture met on Tuesday with the senior leadership team of Flow, the island\u2019s leading telecommunications service provider, at The Harbor Club in Rodney Bay, Gros Islet\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Trinidad and Tobago <\/em>\u2013 For a third straight year, whether playing in a band or trying to link up on the road, finding your team this Carnival Monday and Tuesday is just a few taps away thanks to the Carnival mobile app D\u2019 Junction\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Trinidad and Tobago <\/em>\u2013 These were the opening remarks of Marcelo Oliveira, Director Data Centre, IT Infrastructure and Continuity at C&W Business. Oliveira was speaking to executives of some of Trinidad\u2019s leading enterprises at the C&W Business Round Table event held recently at the company\u2019s Trincity Operations Centre\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Trinidad and Tobago <\/em>\u2013 WE SHOULD all click \u201cLike\u201d on Justice Frank Seepersad\u2019s latest ruling\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas <\/em>\u2013 A new mobile application called Findrpro has received $5,000 USD investment via the LINK-Caribbean programme\u2019s 5-5-5 pitch competition.. more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas <\/em>\u2013 Responding to the rapidly changing Bahamas telecommunications industry, and as part of a Companywide strategic approach to transform our business to a more customer-centric, high performing organisation\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados<\/em> \u2013 Given Government\u2019s limited finances, one of the island\u2019s oldest secondary schools says it has made a conscious decision to turn to corporate Barbados for assistance in improving the learning experience of its students\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Cayman Islands<\/em> \u2013In the Cayman Islands, The Ministry of Home Affairs has signed a contract with Motorola Solutions to upgrade the government\u2019s existing radio infrastructure with a modern P25 system (ASTRO 25 infrastructure and APX terminals) to provide coverage throughout the country, including waterways for maritime units\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica<\/em> \u2013 If\u00a0you have any kind of connection to\u00a0so\u00a0cial media, then I guarantee you have heard of\u00a0Airbnb\u00a0before\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Moving\u00a0humans from point A to point B can be very costly and the team at Caribbean Technology Solutions (CTS) has built a business helping companies to be more efficient in getting people to share ideas in the same space\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Money transfer company WorldRemit has made a bid for even more of the online remittance market with a new service for Jamaicans in New York, according to regional head, Erick Schneider\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica<\/em> \u2013 During the past week, I received more than 50 questions from entrepreneurs and small business operators having to do with expanding their customer base, increasing sales, and achieving profitability\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Regional<\/em> \u2013 In\u00a0the past I have met clients that I have had to literally convince of the importance of social media. They might tell me that it is a waste of time or that they created a page but no one came, I’ve heard it all\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Image: \u00a0Kaboompics-Karolina (Pexels<\/a>); \u00a0<\/em>Wikipedia<\/a>; \u00a0Facebook<\/a>; \u00a0Wikipedia<\/a>; \u00a0Facebook<\/a>; \u00a0The Eleutheran<\/a><\/i><\/p>\n