This is a roundup of the ICT\/technology news across the Caribbean region during the period Monday 27 February to Sunday 4 March 2012.<\/em><\/p>\n
Barbados<\/em> \u2013 The long awaited talks between the Barbados Worker’s Union (BWU), telecommunications company, LIME and Dr Esther Byer-Suckoo have begun at the offices of the Labour Department, Warrens Government Complex, Warrens, St. Michael\u2026more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 Cable & Wireless paycheque alright for some! … more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas <\/em>\u2013 Jason McDowall is the founder and CEO of\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas <\/em>\u2013 BTC repair teams worked around the clock over the weekend dedicating more that 580 man hours to restore service in record time to more than 4,000 landline customers in eastern New Providence\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados<\/em> \u2013\u00a0Talks aimed at brokering a wages agreement between the Barbados Workers’ Union (BWU) and telecommunications company LIME, are currently being held as both parties met with Minister of Labour, Dr. Esther Byer-Suckoo and other officials at the Ministry of Labour in Warrens, St Michael\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica<\/em> \u2013 The ability of telephone operators to route emergency calls to the appropriate state agencies is being severely undermined by pranksters\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas <\/em>\u2013 Another group of Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) employees who accepted voluntary separation packages is set to leave the company at the end of March, said President of the Bahamas Communications and Public Officers Union (BCPOU) Bernard Evans\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas <\/em>\u2013 BTC repair teams worked around the clock over the weekend, dedicating more that 580 man hours to restore service in record time to more than 4,000 landline customers in eastern New Providence\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas <\/em>\u2013 Cable Bahamas is exploring new services and enhancing the company’s video product as a means to achieve growth\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados<\/em> \u2013 IT IS BACK TO the negotiating table tomorrow for the Barbados Workers\u2019 Union (BWU) and telecommunications company, LIME, after talks were suspended just after 11 p.m. on Tuesday night\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 Up to late last night there was still no agreement between the Barbados Workers\u2019 Union (BWU) and telecommunications company LIME after marathon talks lasting close to seven hours with Minister of Labour Dr Esther Byer-Suckoo aimed at brokering a wages agreement\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u00ad\u00ad\u2013 A \u201cmajor player\u201d in the call center world is looking to establish facilities in Grand Bahama after being enticed to the island by the CEO\u2008of the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC)\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas <\/em>\u2013 The CEO of the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) said he expects to launch 10 flagship stores across the country over the next 14 to 16 weeks, and bring the first franchisee to market by the end of the month\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Mars Cable Vision Ltd in Mandeville, Manchester, has been ordered by the Supreme Court to pay US$25,000 with interest for 22,000 feet of cable that was stolen from telecommunications provider Columbus Communications Jamaica Ltd which trades as Flow\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica \u2013 Scores of Jamaicans will be left holding expensive cellular phones fit only for the scrap dump this morning after Digicel shuts down the Claro network at the start of the day\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Lawyers for the Fair Trading Commission (FTC) spent a second day yesterday making submissions in the Supreme Court supporting the assertion that it has legal standing to challenge the merger between telecoms providers Digicel and Claro\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 OUTH St Catherine Member of Parliament Fitz Jackson has lashed the drivers of the e-Learning Jamaica Project, charging that they have “deceived the Jamaican public” by not carrying out any activity under that initiative for an entire year despite a more than $1.2-billion budget\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 The Ministry of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining is moving to expand broadband access to make it easier for Jamaicans, especially those in remote areas, to conduct business with government agencies\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
St. Kitts & Nevis \u2013 Ensuring that its customers have many ways of keeping in touch and staying connected with friends and family, Digicel today introduced a new product to its product portfolio\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Trinidad & Tobago <\/em>\u2013 Plans are under way to install cable television at the multi-million-dollar Santa Rosa prison so inmates will have the luxury of watching a variety of channels while serving time for their crimes\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Cellular service provider Digicel has announced it is cutting its prepaid cross-network rates by roughly 35 per cent to $8.99, but customers must log in a code to enact the savings\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Telecommunications provider Digicel yesterday announced a flat $8.99-per-minute rate for prepaid customers, cutting cross-network prices by as much as 49 per cent, in what could be the start of a fresh battle in the cellular market\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 LIME Jamaica says it will be responding to the call rate cut announced today by its competitor Digicel\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 The 500-year-old proverb that “fair exchange is no robbery” has become acceptable but only under normal circumstances\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
St. Kitts & Nevis <\/em>\u2013 he pending elimination of a few senior posts at LIME St. Kitts and Nevis is part of the company\u2019s ongoing transformation that began some three years ago, says Country Manager David Lake\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Trinidad & Tobago <\/em>\u2013 Telecoms provider TSTT is accusing the Communication Workers Union (CWU) of encouraging workers to use the court system against the company in order to \u201cdefend clear instances of poor work ethic\u201d\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
US Virgin Islands <\/em>\u2013 The V.I. Supreme Court upheld a V.I. Public Services Commission decision this week to allow the Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation to take over the territory’s telephone and cable companies… more<\/a><\/p>\n
Guyana <\/em>\u2013 Atlantic Tele-Network (ATN), the parent company of the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GT&T), has announced a 23 percent increase in total revenues\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Haiti <\/em>\u2013 Survivors of the 2010 devastating earthquake in Haiti have this week started receiving cash subsidies through the first-ever mobile money transfer system in support of post-disaster housing reconstruction, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) reported on Thursday\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 The Jamaican will be offering loans of up to $5 million for investment projects in the ICT sector, according to Investment Minister Anthony Hylton\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica \u2013 Telecommunications provider LIME on Friday said the industry is “beginning to see some results” from the company’s fight for “more affordable” call rates\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Dear Editor, This is an open letter to Mr Dunstan Wright’s opinion piece in the Caribbean Business Report last Friday\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Image courtesy of\u00a0Gary Thomson<\/a>, flickr<\/em><\/p>\n