A roundup of the ICT\/technology news from across the Caribbean region during the period Monday 10 September to Sunday 16 September 2012.<\/em><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 The use of technology in the Caribbean should try to keep pace with the rate of development of that technology, says secretary general of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU), Bernadette Lewis\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 Telecommunications company, LIME says it is still trying to determine the nature of compensation for disrupting the voice and data services of all its customers in Barbados and some other Caribbean territories yesterday\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Cayman Islands <\/em>\u2013 Deputy Premier Hon Juliana O\u2019Connor-Connolly and Kernilon Owens of the Office of Telecommunications (OFTEL), represented the Cayman Islands at the 8th Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (CIGF) that was held in St. Lucia recently\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Grenada <\/em>\u2013 Regional telecommunications giant, LIME, is giving its call centre contract to TELUS International, a Canada-based outfit\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Antigua & Barbuda <\/em>\u2013 Telecommunications company LIME has agreed to \u201ccompensate\u201d customers in Barbados for loss of service on Sunday \u2013 but said nothing to thousands of customers who suffered the same inconvenience in Antigua & Barbuda\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 The Caribbean information communication and technology (ICT) road show opened here on Monday with regional countries being called upon to develop their own blueprint for development utilising new information technologies (IT)\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Cayman Islands <\/em>\u2013 Before heading to Sri Lanka for the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association meeting the deputy premier was in St. Lucia attending the 8th Caribbean Internet Governance Forum where cyber security was under discussion\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Telecoms provider, LIME has changed its trading moniker at the Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) from C&WJA to LIME\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Less than a century ago, it was not uncommon for doctors to advise patients to use cigarette smoking as an aid in weight control. The idea that inhaling tobacco smoke was harmful was regarded as alarmist, ridiculous, and almost superstitious\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
St. Kitts & Nevis<\/em> \u2013 Schools in the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis have been introduced to the free e-learning website, Notesmaster, which reportedly serves as an excellent tool for Caribbean teachers and students\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas <\/em>\u2013 A crowd of irate Bahamians gathered at Holy Trinity Anglican Church last night to express their outrage over Cable Bahamas\u2019 proposed almost 30 per cent price increase for basic cable\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 Caribbean people have been challenged to “step up to the plate and innovate” by Minister of Commerce and Trade, Senator Haynesley Benn, at the start of an Innovation and Investment Forum, part of the Caribbean ICT Roadshow Barbados\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados<\/em> \u2013 Approximately 50 former employees of LIME could be affected by a new arrangement where they will be offered an opportunity to run its four retail centres\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 One new telecommunications company will be \u2018setting up shop’ in Barbados; a move described by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office with responsibility for Energy and Telecommunications, Senator Darcy Boyce, as creating more robustness in the industry\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Belize <\/em>\u2013 One of Belize\u2019s major cable television provide, Central Cable Vision today launched a new service that is intended to enhance the television experience for consumers\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Guyana <\/em>\u2013 Existing broadcasters have up to September 27 to re-apply for a licence to continue broadcasting as the new Broadcast Act comes into force\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica <\/em>\u2013 Broadband Service provider Flow has partnered with GoGSAT to bring free online help to students who are preparing for the Grade Six Achievement Test (GSAT)\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Antigua & Barbuda <\/em>\u2013 Cyber crooks are at it again, hacking into email accounts of local officials and telling their contacts they were in crisis in Spain and in urgent need of financial assistance\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas<\/em> \u2013 In a move announced today by Internet.bs Corp. (IBS) Founder and CEO, Marco Rinaudo, PPX International group Chairman Gregg McNair, has taken a substantial equity position in IBS and has also been appointed Chairman of the Bahamas based Registrar\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados<\/em> \u2013 Eight young men, charged with the theft of copper and cable from businesses in St Thomas and St Michael, were remanded when they appeared in the Bridgetown Traffic Court yesterday\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados<\/em> \u2013 Columbus International has received formal approval to complete its acquisition of TeleBarbados Inc. and all necessary licenses to provide wholesale and retail broadband services for residential and commercial customers\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 Dozens of New Providence residents, many of whom are Cable Bahamas Limited (CBL)\u2008customers, expressed strong concerns about the company\u2019s proposed rate increase at a public consultation meeting at Holy Cross Anglican Church Tuesday night\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 Minister of Education Ronald Jones said yesterday that people\u2019s attitudes and money were two main things standing in the way of Barbados\u2019 using more modern technology in schools\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Guyana <\/em>\u2013 Cabinet Secretary Dr. Roger Luncheon has said that Government has been experiencing some amount of difficulty with the LTE Fiber Optic Cable programme\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
St. Vincent & the Grenadines <\/em>\u2013 Digicel now have a bold new face in the Grenadine island of Canouan\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
St. Vincent & the Grenadines <\/em>\u2013 LIME General Manager Leslie\u00a0Jack assured the public that LIME was looking favourably into the future, even as he announced that 15 more employees were being separated from the company\u2019s\u00a0staff complement\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Trinidad & Tobago <\/em>\u2013 Electronic Government services, better known as eGovernment, are the way of the future as the world becomes more and more digital. Hence the decision by the Republic of Korea and this country\u2019s Ministry of Science and Technology to host a free one-day forum on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) next Monday at Crowne Plaza, Port-of-Spain\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
US Virgin Islands<\/em> \u2013 The publicly funded V.I. Next Generation Network – charged with the responsibility to build and operate the territory’s first open-access broadband network – has entered into a $50,000 consulting contract with one of its board members\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas<\/em> \u2013 Senator Zhivargo Laing yesterday reminded consumers of their right to use their collective power instead of just complaining\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Bahamas <\/em>\u2013 The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) has gone on the defensive, saying in a statement yesterday that its new chairman, Randol Dorsett, previously represented Cable Bahamas Limited (CBL) in legal matters, but that was prior to his appointment to head the regulatory agency\u2019s board\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 Cable & Wireless (C&W) has put the Social Partnership on notice that it wants to send home more of its employees in another round of retrenchments\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Cayman Islands <\/em>\u2013 Officers from the RCIPS started issuing leaflets to motorists on Wednesday, 12 September in advance of the partial cell phone ban, which will be part of the new traffic. The law comes into effect on Friday, 21 September\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Jamaica<\/em> \u2013 A consumer rights group is raising concern about the ability of mobile telecommunications companies to handle call volumes noting that customers are losing money\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Regional <\/em>\u2013 Digicel is the dominant player in many markets, which makes it vulnerable to competition and has put it firmly in the sights of regulators\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
St. Kitts & Nevis \u2013 Just days before celebrating the Federation\u2019s 29th Anniversary of Independence, St. Kitts and Nevis re-launched its Government Portal – Gov.kn<\/a>\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
St. Maarten <\/em>\u2013 The Bureau of Telecommunications and Post of Sint Maarten (BTP-SXM) has released its first ever set of telecoms data relating to the Caribbean island nation\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Montserrat <\/em>\u2013 Monday will be a series of first for Montserrat as it will see the launch of its National ICT Strategy, its first National ICT Day and Premier Reuben Meade presents the laptops for students programme\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Barbados <\/em>\u2013 Global Internet giant Google has given a major endorsement to the ongoing move to set up Internet exchange points (IXPs) throughout the Caribbean\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Cayman Islands <\/em>\u2013 Governor Duncan Taylor\u2019s office declined earlier this month to release information regarding how many warrants have been issued under the Information and Communications Technology Authority (Interceptions of Telecommunication Messages) Regulations, 2011\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Haiti \u2013 Thursday, the National Council of Telecommunications (CONATEL) held at the Hotel Montana, a workshop on the transition from Analog TV to Digital TV around the theme : “The challenges of the transition from analog TV to digital TV”, in the presence of several actors working in the field of telecommunications\u2026 more<\/a><\/p>\n
Image credits: \u00a0Gary Thomson<\/a> (flickr); \u00a0Wikimedia<\/a>; \u00a0Facebook<\/a>; \u00a0ICANN<\/a>; \u00a0Mal_irl<\/a>\u00a0(flickr); The Bahamas Weekly<\/a><\/em><\/p>\n