A discussion of humans need for change and the possible impact of technology in creating neophiles.<\/em><\/p>\n
The month of June is not just the start of summer. It also signals the imminent roll out of new computing products on the market in time for September back to school, and until about mid-October, announcements of new devices that should be available by Christmas. Over the past three to five years, there appears to be a growing sense of anticipation of those new releases by the public, resulting in record sales for manufacturers, vendors and suppliers. However is this enthusiastic consumerism a signal of a little known condition: neophilia? Here, we discuss the condition, some of the pros and cons, and how technology might be facilitating more persons to become neophiles.<\/p>\n
Coined by writer and psychologist, Robert Anton Wilson, a neophile (or neophiliac) is a person with a strong affinity for novelty, and tends to possess the following traits:<\/p>\n
As an evolving specie, some degree of neophilia is necessary in humans, and is critical to our continued survival on the planet. We do need the ability to tolerate, and even embrace change, which could be manifested as exploration, simulation and innovation. Additionally, acceding to psychiatrist, Dr. C. Robert Cloninger, \u201cNovelty-seeking is one of the traits that keeps you healthy and happy and fosters personality growth as you age\u201d (Source: New York Times<\/a>), which is exceedingly valuable since were living longer. However, in that same article, Dr. Cloninger also noted that novelty seeking can also lead to antisocial behavior, which within the context of our survival, must be counterbalanced by, among other things, discipline, safety and security.<\/p>\n
Within the context of today\u2019s society, and especially in the consumer electronic space, there appears to be an expectation, both on the part of consumers and vendors that something new, different and better is always necessary. As a result, there is a continual flurry of new product releases to market, though frequently, those devices appear to be just marginal improvements from previous versions. However, the consumer excited to replace devices that might be merely just months old to get \u201cthe latest and the best\u201d.<\/p>\n
It therefore appears that increasingly, we as consumers are becoming conditioned to the thrill of acquiring something new, rather than to carefully consider the utility of those proposed purchases against what we might already possess or can access.<\/p>\n
Over the past few years, access to the Internet through our mobile and portable devices has become easier and relatively inexpensive. However, it also means that we are continually being bombarded with information \u2013 emails, tweets, messages, notifications, etc. \u2013 as the world becomes increasingly connected.<\/p>\n
Though we might try to react to all of the information and stimuli we are receiving, what is actually happening is that our reading and understanding of what is going on around us, or even perhaps matters that are affecting us directly, is becoming superficial at best:<\/p>\n
At this point in our warp-speed information age, our well-being demands that we understand and control our neophilia lest it control us. We already crunch four times more data \u2014 e-mail, tweets, searches, music, video, and traditional media \u2014 than we did just thirty years ago, and this deluge shows no signs of slackening. To thrive amid unprecedented amounts of novelty, we must shift from being mere seekers of the new to being connoisseurs of it\u2026<\/em> (Source: Brain Pickings<\/a>)<\/p><\/blockquote>\n
\u00a0Image credit:\u00a0 cooldesign (FreeDigitalPhotos.net<\/a>)<\/em><\/p>\n