Teleworking has been widely implemented and businesses are increasingly choosing this option. However, it is not suited for all situations. Here are six questions an employee should ask to determine whether he\/she could benefit from teleworking.<\/em><\/p>\n
<\/a>Earlier this week, Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer, announced that teleworking (also called telecommuting and remote work) would no longer be allowed at Yahoo. The move has reopened the debate on teleworking, which has been widely adopted across a broad range of industries. \u00a0On the one hand, teleworking \u2013 where employees work from home for either a portion or all of a work week \u2013 can be mutually beneficial to both employer and employee in terms of productivity, cost savings and work-life balance. However, both parties must also be aware of its possible impact on the corporate ethos and dynamics, which reportedly has been the impetus for Yahoo\u2019s recent decision to pull the plug, as per the memo<\/a> leaked to the media:<\/p>\n
1.\u00a0 Am I disciplined enough to work remotely or with minimal supervision?<\/h3>\n
For those of us who commute to the office, we experience the grind: the discipline of getting to work on time, and doing all you had agreed to do before the workday ends. At the office, there can also be continual interaction with the team, which can help you to manage commitments and deadlines. We suggest you ask yourself the following questions, which may help you to understand your own capabilities. When away from the office or working at home:<\/p>\n
- Am I able to keep track of all of my tasks and projects?<\/li>\n
- Do I need someone to regularly prompt me about imminent deadlines?<\/li>\n
- Can I pace myself with respect to tasks I must advance, or just to manage my workday?<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
2.\u00a0 Is my job suited to teleworking?<\/h3>\n
The extent to which a particular position or role might be suitable to teleworking can sometimes be overlooked, but it is important to appreciate that some jobs, without considerable adjustment, do not lend themselves to that arrangement. Examples might be positions where the needed resources are or must be resident in the office, such as in electronics assembly, quality control, or where confidential or commercially sensitive information must be handled. Hence do ensure that you confirm the resources that will be made available to you remotely, and understand the extent to which any omissions could affect your ability to perform.<\/p>\n
3.\u00a0 Is my working style suited to teleworking?<\/h3>\n
Although you might be disciplined and organised enough to work away from the office, it is crucial to understand you own work style. For example, do you thrive when working alone? Do you do your best work when there are people nearby to bounce off ideas, or when you are working closely in a team? If it is the latter, teleworking from home might not work well for you.<\/p>\n
4.\u00a0 What are my employer\u2019s expectations?<\/h3>\n
Regardless of who proposes telework \u2013 employer or employee \u2013 both parties ought to be aware of each other\u2019s expectations when this arrangement is implemented. Though not always expressed, in the traditional work setting, most employers are paying for you to be at the office \u2013 to be available during the prescribed period, even if you have little to do.<\/p>\n
- In working away from the office, can I be more flexible with my work hours at home?<\/li>\n
- Although permitted to work from home, is my employer truly comfortable with the loss of control or limited oversight I will now have?<\/li>\n
- Will my relationship my employer suffer, if I telework?<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
Asking questions such as these would help you to understand what your employer\u2019s expectations might be, and limit possible fallout.<\/p>\n
5. How might my personal\/family life be affected?<\/h3>\n
Although may people jump at the chance to work from home to escape the 9-to-5 grind, or with the expectation that it will automatically improve their work-life balance, that might not necessarily be the case. In a study for iPass, an enterprise mobility network provider, conducted in 2011 by the University of Sheffield<\/a>, found that almost 75% of mobile workers surveyed worked excessive hours \u2013 between 5 and 20 additional hours per week \u2013 which in turn affected, among other things, their stress levels, sleep and recovery, and ultimately work-life balance. Hence it is important to consider the extent to which you might be able to achieve the balance you desire.<\/p>\n
6.\u00a0 How might the office dynamics change?<\/h3>\n
Finally, although tied to point 4, the issue merits some specific attention. Offices are social environments where frequently the culture of presenteeism \u2013 the need to be seen around the office \u2013 is still prevalent. Hence in working away from base, you ought to consider whether your professional growth and development could be marginalised. For example, could you be overlooked for new responsibilities, or opportunities?<\/p>\n
In summary, although teleworking potentially offers both employer and employee significant advantages, the actual mechanics and implications must be carefully considered prior to implementation. More importantly, and evidenced by the Yahoo experience, following roll out, it is also advisable that this option is regularly assessed to ensure that it continues to support organisational strategies and goals.<\/p>\n