Although we know the value of being intentional in our thoughts, words and actions, how many of us truly practise it? Serial entrepreneur, innovation advocate and Founder of the PWR Agency, Ife Badejo, shares with us her entrepreneurial journey to date, and tells us why it is important to be intentional in business.
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For many of us, as professionals, our work lives have unfolded with many twists and turns, which were wholly unexpected, and could never have been predicted, when we started. However, if there is anything we can say without reservation, is the fact that all of those experiences have contributed to where we are now.
For those of us who work in the tech space, we tend to come from two different veins: those who studied tech and have been able to make a career out of it; and those who never started in tech, but somehow fell into it – thanks to the twists and turns of life. The latter has been the experience of our guest Ife Badejo.
Introducing our guest

Ife Badejo
Originally from Sint Maarten, Ife Badejo is someone who can be considered a serial entrepreneur, and is an advocate of empowerment through entrepreneurship. Her latest venture, is a social enterprise, the Produce Wealth Revolution (PWR) Agency, which is geared towards serving entrepreneurs and innovators of 21st century businesses and brands in underserved regions of the world, such as the Caribbean and Africa. Ife is also the Founder of IN4SUCCESS, an innovation and business development firm, and from 24—26 June, she has organised a three-day virtual summit, Islandpreneur Live 2020, which has been designed to provide Caribbean based islandpreneurs with the relevant content and best practices to thrive in the digital economy. (See promotional video below).
A gifted communicator, serial entrepreneur, and innovative visionary, Ife has brought together more than 1,500 entrepreneurs and professionals, and has worked with more than 900 students, through capacity building and community awareness programmes. With her team, Ife connects people to ideas, opportunities, and other people, through designing and organising dynamic training and networking experience that transform businesses and have an impact on lives.
Our conversation with Ife
Ife is a powerful speaker, and at the end of our conversation, I felt inspired – not only with regard to re-examining my business and work, here at ICT Pulse, but also, my life in general. Her message and insights are not solely relevant to tech businesses, but to any business generally, and Caribbean-based ones in particular. Some of the questions posed to Ife during the course our conversation included the following:
- What is the PWR Agency?
- Who is Ife Badejo, and how did she end up starting PWR Agency
- Does Ife think there is a formula or a system for innovation?
- What does it mean to be a social enterprise? And can a social enterprise be profitable?
- What is Islandpreneur Live 2020, and what is Ife hoping it will achieve?
- What is it like to be an entrepreneur in Sint Maarten? And what does Ife think about the country’s start-up environment/culture?
- What does Ife think about being a woman in tech, especially since she does not have what would be considered a tech background?
- Having been at the helm of a variety of businesses for over 10 years, what are some of the lessons Ife has learnt as a founder/business leader?
- Where would Ife like to see the PWR Agency, and herself, in the next few years?
We would love to hear from you!
Do leave us a comment either here beneath this article, or on our Facebook or LinkedIn pages, or via Twitter, @ICTPulse.
Select links
Below are links to some of the organisations and resources that either were mentioned during the episode, or otherwise, might be useful:
- Ife Badejo
- The PWR Agency
- Islandpreneur Live 2020
- Sustainable Development Goals
- SDG 1 – End poverty in all its forms everywhere
- SDG 4 – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
- SDG 8 – Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
- Fourth Industrial Revolution
Image credits: Gerd Altmann (Pixabay); I Badejo;
Music credit: Ray Holman
Another excellent conversation. “Dare to do!”
Such insightful conversations with some many takeaways. I’ll bookmark and refer to this podcast again.