Tag: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

ICTP 160: Understanding how technology perpetuates bias, with Matthew Cowen, of dgtlfutures.com

If one delves beneath the surface of today’s technologies, one is likely to find that much of the products, algorithms and developments that are being integrated into our lives have been built inherently with certain biases or prejudices. Founder of dgtlfutures, Matthew Cowen, discusses the role technology has been playing in perpetuating bias.

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ICTP 153: Stepping up your organisation’s chatbot game, with Kern Elliott of iGovTT

Even more now than when we discussed it in 2019, chatbots are all the rage. Following up from our previous conversation on chatbots, Kern Elliott of iGovTT is back to tell us, among other things: how chatbots are now being used; the biggest mistake or oversight organisations are making with chatbots; and the steps organisations should be considering to take their chatbot game to the next level.

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