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Latest Past Events

Grenada ICT Week

GRENADA ICT WEEK Theme: Investing in the Digital Future Today Interested in the world of technology and how it's revolutionizing business, government, and society? Then Grenada ICT Week is the event for you! Grenada ICT Week is a week-long event that focuses on the increasing role of technology in business, government, and society. The event […]

Spectrum Management Workshops & WRC-15 Preparatory Session

The Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) is implementing the Harmonised Caribbean Spectrum Planning and Management Project (HCSP&MP) with technical cooperation support from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Compete Caribbean1. Together, their support of the project funds the participation of fourteen of our CTU member countries while making provision for other Caribbean countries to benefit from […]

ICT-Led Innovation Workshop Grenada


In recognition of the critical requirement to promote innovation in Caribbean societies, the International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank working along with the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) and other stakeholders within the Caribbean region have designed the Caribbean Regional Communications Infrastructure Program (CARCIP) to support, inter alia, a regional approach towards ICT innovation. […]


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