Tag: entrepreneurship

ICTP 294: Personalised education and why fortune favours the brave, with Ricardo D. Allen of One on One Educational Services

Ultra-personalisation was identified as a trend to watch in the early 2010s and it has become increasingly evident and integral in the delivery of a broad range of services, including online education. In our follow-up conversation with Ricardo Allen, the Founder and CEO of One on One Educational Services, he shares with us, among other things: what has been happening at One on One since our last interview in 2020; how the company has been leveraging AI in its operations; what it is like to move from a scrappy start-up to a publicly traded company; and important lessons he has learnt during this wild and crazy journey.

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ICTP 289: Akata Farms, AgTech and why passion doesn’t sell, with Bevon Chadel Charles

How long could our countries feed themselves if they were cut off from the rest of the world and could only depend on the resources currently within their domain? It is a question more countries are grappling with when addressing matters related to food security and sustainable agriculture. In this podcast episode, we circle back to Bevon Chadel Charles and Akata Farms in Grenada to find out, among other things: how the farm has been doing since our first conversation in 2021; what Bevon thinks about the ‘new’ focus on AgTech and the challenges of that space that people don’t talk about; and why passion doesn’t sell.

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ICTP 287: Becoming a robotics powerhouse, with Professor Ricardo Neil of the Saint Kitts and Nevis Robotics Association

The robotics programme in Saint Kitts and Nevis has been growing from strength to strength since we last spoke to Dr. Ricardo Neil in late 2018 and even has expanded to other Caribbean countries. Now the Chairman and Founder of the Saint Kitts and Nevis Robotics Association, Professor Neil discusses, among other things: how the Saint Kitts and Nevis robotics space has evolved; Caribbean-wide trends that might be emerging; some of the challenges or opportunities specific to the region that we ought to consider; and how we could better build a thriving robotics ecosystem in the Caribbean.

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